Page 18 - Erasmus Let's be Eco-sustainAble, towards 2030 Dissemination Activity book
P. 18

Did you know that
                                                              there are a variety of
                                                             threats facing the bee
                                                             population, including
                                                                 habitat loss and
                                                                climate change?
         Eu eco laBel

         ❑ Meaning

         The EU Ecolabel is a label of environmental
         excellence that is awarded to products and

         services meeting high environmental standards
         throughout their life-cycle: from raw material
         extraction, to production, distribution and

         disposal. The EU Ecolabel promotes the
         circular economy by encouraging producers to

         generate less waste and CO2 during the
         manufacturing process. The EU Ecolabel

         criteria also encourages companies to develop
         products that are durable, easy to repair and


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