Page 13 - Erasmus Let's be Eco-sustainAble, towards 2030 Dissemination Activity book
P. 13

Green economy

                                                                                                                                   Did you know that wild bee
       A Green Economy can be thought of as an                                                                                    species contributes 80 percent
       alternative vision for growth and development;                                                                              of the crop pollination visits
       one that can generate growth and improvements                                                                              observed globally. This means
       in     people's        lives      in     ways        consistent         with                                              that if this small percentage of
       sustainable development. A Green Economy
       promotes a triple bottom line: sustaining and                                                                               bees disappears … then 80
       advancing economic, environmental and social                                                                                 percent of our agricultural
       well-being.                                                                                                                    system will collapse?

       ❑ Importance
       A Green Economy is a clean, environmentally
       friendly economy that promotes health, wealth,
       and well-being. A Green Economy is dependent
       on sustainable development – which means
       growing our economies in ways that benefit, not
       sacrifice, social justice and equity as well as the

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