Page 8 - Erasmus Let's be Eco-sustainAble, towards 2030 Dissemination Activity book
P. 8

Transnational meetings will motivate teachers and students,
                                                                                               as they’ll contribute to both the 'smart growth'- improving

                                                                                               levels of education and training- and the 'inclusive growth'- by

                                                                                               acting on one of the main risk factors of social exclusion.

                                                                                               In the short-term exchanges students will have the

                                                                                               opportunity to be hosted in families. They’ll get the

                                                                                               opportunity to travel abroad, meet new people and learn

                                                                                               about new cultures and foreign languages, practice English

                                                                                               and other foreign languages learnt at school.

                                                                                               We believe good practices of regions and their specific social
                                                                                               groups will be the best way to let students feel involved in

                                                                                               their future choices, be aware of the importance of their

                                                                                               actions for their best wellness and welfare as adult citizens, as

                                                                                               well as to implement multiculturalism and fight racism and

                                                                                               xenophobia. It will also invite Europe to respond to the social,

                                                                                               political and economic challenges of the work sector.

                                                                                               Project and its results are universal, can be used by any

                                                                                               educational institution, and can be used separately without

                                                                                               the loss of any vital result of the Project. Project will last in all
                                                                                               partnership institution for a few years and every year its

                                                                                               potential will grow.

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